lunedì 14 ottobre 2013

Life is short! Enjoy it! Get off from the hamster wheel!

                                                  Get off from the hamster wheel!

Life is short,so  you must enjoy it !... It's really time for you to enjoy life to its fullest!

The only thing that's really important in life is being happy.You need to fight to get in this harmony inside you, and the good news is that it's  easier than you think! You just need to change the way you were thought to think and put the happiness as your priority, not the work! So, insted of working to
survive you need to work for being happy..

Take me, for example.. Changing everything by slowing down the life rithm and giving more time for what I really am interested in , travelling and doing what I always wanted to do..I must be lucky, no?  I really made it.

I hear people saing " hmm..if I'll win the lottery then  I'll change my life, sure I will!" ...but there's no need to win the lottery!!

You only find excuses for yourself! It's  time to really change the way you think and take the decision now!I know many people who really made it and the most important thing you need is not to have bags full of money, but a strong will, with no excuses or victimisation.

It's time to choose the life you want , not the life you were given by the society!

You must  take the important decisions in your life, not to do like others who wait for the life to take decisions for them. Don't be the third watcher of your life, be the main actor and have the courage to decide what's important , without waiting for answers from others.

Where is it written that you need to work 8-10 hours every day? Where is it written that you have to stress yourself in high speed 330 days every year? Why do you have to live a life imposed by the society?

Get off from the hamster wheel!

Just stop for a second and really ask yourself if all this is worth it, if this is right and , most of all, if this is the way you really want to live the only life you have.

Try to you think if you'll die tomorrow...what kind of life you always wanted?

(if you liked this post add me on Facebook..on the right side there is Fb box)

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